Baking Instructions for PBL170

Product code: PBL170
Product description: 170mm Long Savoury Pie Shell
Quantity: 56

Approximate raw pastry measurements

Product thawing

Place the pastry shells on bench/ baking tray to thaw to room temperature - approximately 30 minutes.

Oven temperature

Pre-heat fan forced oven to 210-215°C.

Fill temperature

Ensure your pie fill mixture is at room temperature.

  • If the fill is too hot the fat in the pastry will melt and the filling will boil out before the pastry is baked.
  • If the fill is too cold the pastry will not bake out.


For pie with pastry top:

  1. The PBL170 is best coupled with the 170mm Long Puff Pastry Pie Top (PTL170)
  2. Once the pie shells have thawed, fill each shell with room temperature pie filling - take care not to over fill the shells or allow any fill in between the pastry and the foil, as this will cause the pastry to stick to the foil, and will prevent the pastry from baking evenly.
  3. Submerge the Puff Pie Tops in a bowl of water briefly to wash off any excess rice flour - this will ensure proper seal between the pie bottom and top.
  4. Place Puff Pie Top onto Pie Bottom and press firmly around the edge of the pie to seal.
  5. Glaze pie top with milk/ egg if desired.
  6. Cut two small air holes into the pie lid using a pair of scissors to release steam during the cooking process.
  7. Garnish pie tops if desired (e.g., sesame seeds or poppy seeds).

For pie without pastry top (i.e., cottage pie)

  1. Once the pie shells have thawed, fill each shell with room temperature pie filling - take care not to over fill the shells or allow any fill in between the pastry and the foil, as this will cause the pastry to stick to the foil and prevent the pastry from baking evenly.
  2. Pipe mash on top of the pie filling.

Baking time

  • Space out the finished pies on a baking tray to allow for ample air circulation in the oven.
  • Place baking tray into pre-heated 210-215°C oven and bake for approximately 18-20 minutes.

Did you know?

The 170mm Long Savoury Pie Shells can be used to make egg-based quiches

Product Thawing:
Place the pastry shells on bench/ baking tray to thaw to room temperature - approximately 30 minutes.

Oven Temperature:
Pre-heat fan forced oven to 170-180°C

Fill Temperature:
Ensure your fill mixture is at room temperature.

Baking Time:
For baking shells with egg-based quiche fills:

  • Place raw fill into thawed shells - take care not to over fill the shells or allow any fill in between the pastry and the foil, as this will cause the pastry to stick to the foil and will prevent the pastry from baking evenly.
  • Bake in pre-heated 170-180°C oven and bake for approximately 14-16 minutes.

Quick Tip:
Sprinkle the ‘dry ingredients’ (i.e., grated cheese and sundried tomatoes) into the thawed shells on a baking tray on your bench, then place your baking tray in the oven before pouring in your egg mix - this way your fill will not spill over when carrying from your bench to the oven.

Please note, all oven temperatures and baking times are a guide only.

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