Serving Instructions for GFPCP

Product code: GFPCP
Product description: Gluten Free Passionfruit Curd Profiterole
Quantity: 70

Approximate raw product measurements

Product thawing

  • Remove profiteroles from carton and place on serving platter.
  • Thaw to 2°C (approximately 20 minutes) then serve.
  • The maximum recommended defrosted shelf life is 3 days in a refrigerated display cabinet.

Did you know?

Ready Bake’s newly extended range of Gluten Free Profiteroles include decadent Double Chocolate, along with the original
Bavarian Patisserie Cream flavour. Filled by hand, then topped with premium quality couverture chocolate, these delicious
profiteroles are so convenient - simply thaw & serve.

Please note, all oven temperatures and baking times are a guide only.

For additional support or advice please contact the Ready Bake team on 1800 651 044 or email